Saturday, September 10, 2011

How important is it for other people to know other people's zodiac sign? What's the purpose?

Why do some people ask what your zodiac sign is and when you say you don't believe in zodiac signs they'd look for your zodiac sign for you?|||Some people think your star sign controls how you behave. I'm not one of them.|||People wanting to know your sign, are those who are involved in Astrology. They think the sign tells them a lot about your personality and so forth.

In the beginning the signs of the Zodiac had no such significance. They actually tell the whole plan of God, and are talked about in the Bible. But Satan the great counterfeiter came up with Astrology to keep Christians from looking at the stars.

The signs of the Zodiac, actually came from Babylon, at the time the Prophet Daniel was there as the chief of the Magi. He most likely as guided by God, identified the 12 constellations.|||It's primarily a pick-up line or conversation starter.

It's an excuse for small talk - primarily.

Some actually believe in astrology and (naturally) believe that everyone else will want to know their "fate" as "foretold in the stars".

- Jim|||So they can be judgemental of you before they even know you.|||What's the purpose of a magic sky fairy if all he does is punish you for being born a sinner?|||It's a bunch of crap

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