Friday, September 16, 2011

Which zodiac signs stay in relationships the longest are most dependable and enduring and why?

why they are this way and how come? which kinds of things would cause them to think of leaving it and for how long? and how they react to the things that would cause most to break up?

which zodiac signs they do best with and why again? how they are together too?

final question..which zodiac signs are Least this way and why for them to be this way? which ones they do well with and why too?|||that's alot of questions! I'd say the most enduring are Taurus and Scorpio because they value loyalty the most. earth and water signs like them have more staying power because they are not flighty and undecisive like air and fire sign. what would cause them to leave is most likely infedelity, scorpio especially does not take kindly to some one who is not loyal in return to them. Scorpio is best mated with Cancer and Virgo. Taurus is best mated with Pisces and Capricorn and possibly Libra. LEAST likely to stay in relationships is the ever changing and freedom seeking Sagittarius, second Aires, Leo, and Gemini change tracks alot too. Sag is best mated with Aires for sure. All fire signs get along pretty well with eachother. Libra and Sag, Libra and taurus, Leo and airies, the reasons being are common factors, Fire signs and Air signs like adventure and freedom. Water and Earth signs like domestic life and fancy things typically.|||too many questions at once. but id say scorpio and taurus are the most enduring and dependable|||i'm a pisces and feel like the most loyal person in the world and don't think girls see that in me!! lol. i think girls mistake me as a player!! the sign i have been most attracted to is scorpios!! but they are so hard to get!!|||Probably the Capricorns because they are usually more serious about love then other signs...They're not looking for a lay, they look for love.|||I say Taurus and Scorpio would mostly likely stay in relationships the longest. Though I guess it depends on the rest of the birth/natal charts and other aspects.

I am a Scorpio engaged to a Taurus. We have been together for over 6 years (7 years in May) and are getting married in June this year. We have been through a lot together and had some really tough times and problems but we have stuck it out. We have never gave up on our relationship, no matter how bad it got at times.


Taurus Sun

Virgo Moon

Virgo Rising

Gemini Venus

Aquarius Mars


Scorpio Sun

Pisces Moon

Aquarius Rising

Libra Venus

Scorpio Mars

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