Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What do you think of the changes in zodiac signs?

My original thoughts were that it was just a way for people to make more money. Then I thought that people wouldn't just randomly change personalities over night. So I decided to learn more about my new zodiac sign. It definitely described my personality way more accurately than my old zodiac sign. Its probably just a coincidence but perhaps not. What's your opinion on the this change?|||You were born on a certain day, year, time and place... that will never change. It's where the planets were at the time of your birth.

You are still whatever Sign you always were and don't let anyone tell you different!|||most people don't even know why they are the symbol that they are. Your symbol never changed, it was always the same, you just took it for granted that what you were told was correct. That's pathetic.

the earth is on a tilt with respect to its orbit around the sun. Tha'ts why we have the seasons. And on a year by year basis, that tilt never changes; its always at 23.5潞 and always in the same direction. however, it not really pointing in the same direction. The earth is really like a top that is slowing down and the tilt is slowly rotating in a circle. Well when the zodiac signs were laid out 3000 years ago, that angle of the tilt was way different than it is now.

This goes back to why a virgo is a virgo on xyz dates, and a gemini is a gemini on abc dates Based on observations, it when that constellation is at the horizon at sunset. On a year by year basis the change at the earth "wobble" is so small that it doesn't make much of difference, but after 3000 years, that adds up to a 2-3 week shift in when the constellation rises above the horizon at sunset.

So clearly about 50% of the horiscope believers were basing there predictions on the wrong constellation in the sky on the date of their birth. LOL.

Also note that all horiscopes use the same celestial navigation clues that were available 3000 years ago, in short: only the visible to the naked eye planets. In nother words nothing in the horiscope uses neptune or uranus, planets that are far larger than venus or mars but because they were not visible based on our own limited vision, they don't count. That of course makes no sense, if jupiter and saturn have an effect on your life, so must neptune and uranus.

it doesn't take too much to figure out that all of this stuff is just made up and uses what ever the people of 3000 years ago saw. Its laughable that 50% of the population was using the wrong zodiac symbol, and I'm guessing 98% of the population couldn't even tell you why the dates were so in the first place. Now you are in the 2$.

- JL|||you must be knowing that zodiacs are decided according to the time and date and planetary positions at the you were born. now that a new sign is included that doesn't mean that your sign is going to change. no way it cannot happen. you will always have the same zodiac for this lifetime atleast.

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