Monday, August 29, 2011

What zodiac signs would make good psychologists?

I kinda wanna be a psychologist when I get old enough and I'm curious about which zodiac signs would make good psychologists.|||Not too sure, it depends on the interests of each person as an individual, but speaking in terms of horoscopes I know many Scorpios who have turned out to be psychologists, or at least have heavily considered becoming one.|||It would depend on the 10th house, aka the Midheaven for one. I was reading about the different signs ruling the Midheaven and I remember reading that Scorpio Midheaven is good for psychologist.

Look at your chart and see if you have any planets in the 10th house and also what sign is ruling your Midheaven.|||I think if you want to be a psychologist you need to be dedicated to your passion. When I think who would be a great scientist or engineer(someone who can solve problems) I think maybe gemini or aquarius. My father is a nerdy mechanical engineer/business owner and he is a libra! So just stick to your passion. =D|||10th house in Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces

Jupiter or Mercury in Scorp

Merc in Cancer or Pisces

Gemini, Virgo, and Libra placements in 12th

Scorpio, Cancer in 3rd house...

There's a lot of placements that are favorable for psychology.

Sun signs in general aren't important.|||my libra cousin is studying to become a psychologists. she gives good advice i think she's gonna be great and she doesn't have that dreaded two side where one is happy at work and depressed at home. I think that Virgoes would like this field alot they do enjoy helping people. Probably Virgoes Libras|||I say Virgo since you are asking for a Sun sign.

It doesn't really matter though if that's what you want to do then just do it.|||I dunno but Gemini would visit them bi-weekly.|||i would say capricorns because they are stable minded|||virgos usually make the best ones|||libra|||Libras...the whole balanced thing works well for that.

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